


Select any image from the gallery or commission your own design to create contemporary and unique deckchairs

Stretched Canvas

Stretched Canvas High quality 340gsm matte canvas, stretched over a 2” x 2”, (5cm x 5cm) thick wooden frame made of best quality Redwood, which is bevelled at a 75-degree angle, solid, mitred, glued and screwed. High quality kiln-dried Scandinavian Redwood pine with a moisture content of less than 12%.

The canvas is stretched right round the frame and stapled neatly at the back to make sure there are no messy tacks or staples round the edges.The image can be 'gallery-wrapped' round the sides of the stretcher so that printed image wraps round the sides of the frame or can be printed traditionally with white or coloured sides.

MDF Block Mounting
Parrot Tulip diptych on 18mm MDF

Block Mounting onto MDF

Especially recommmended for diptych (two panel) triptych (three panel) and quadtych (four panel) images.

Images on canvas, glossy, and semi-gloss photo paper prints are mounted onto 18, or 12mm MDF (medium density fibreboard) blocks.

In the traditional style, glossy and semi-gloss paper prints are first laminated and then vacuum-sealed onto the blocks using dry mount tissue. The edge of the block is bevelled at 45 degrees and you have the option of having the sides painted matte black, white emulsion or left as natural MDF.

Canvas prints look exceptional on MDF too. The image is applied by first heat-sealing it for ultimate protection and then mounted onto the MDF block using dry mount tissue. The canvas print is wrapped around the block 'gallery wrap', stlye so that the sides of the block becomes an integral part of the picture.

Acrylicised or Acrylic Sandwich Block

Acrylicised images allow ambient light to interact with the image through levels of transparency and opacity. Stainless steel wall mounts are placed through the four corners that make the image stand out from the wall by 25mm creating a stunning effect.


Acrylic Sandwich block Acrylic sandwich blocks are created by printing the image onto high grade photographic paper, which is then heat sealed onto the reverse of a solid acrylic sheet. The result is a unique 3-dimensional effect.
Images are printed using the very latest in print technology to produce high quality digital photographic prints. The inks provide vibrant colour and black & white prints with smooth tonal gradations and light fastness in excess of 75 years. Images are reproduced onto 210gsm high gloss or semi-gloss inkjet paper and can be supplied with our without mountboard backing and mount.

Images are available in range of sizes

from 5" to 5' (10cm to 150cm)

Greetings and NoteCards
Greetings Cards
Love in a Mist
Ox Eye Daisy


White Rose
Pink Tulip
White Gerbera
Pink Gerbera